DEF2020: Pivot & Press, a one-day distributed conference
Friday, 23 October 2020, 8:15AM Eastern
About this Event
With the same interactive workshops, panel conversations, Agora updates, and incredible speakers we have had in years past, this year's event is going to be one of the best conferences in years! The schedule below is subject to change but we are excited to come together as a community to celebrate and collaborate this crazy year and look to the future!
(All times EST)
08:15AM Conference Stream Opens
08:30AM Opening comments
Michael Madrid
Heath Murray
08:55AM Morning Workshops
Dan Manning - #HumanIntelligence Training
Lisa Gaisford - Dcode Mini Training Workshop
10:30AM Firestarter Fellows Panel
Conrad Hollomon (Moderator)
Michele Atkinson
Raymond Kaplan
Todd Coursey
Eric Romero
12:05PM Keynote
Frans Johansson
1:15PM Afternoon Workshops
John Grigg - CyberWinter Studios - Hack (Apart) Your Career - How to Fund Doing What You Love
Daniel Hulter - Agitare
2:50PM X-Work Update
3:15PM Panel - Pivot and Press
Ryan Benitez - Decisive Point (moderator)
Jake Chapman - Alpha Bridge
Tommy Hendrix - Decisive Point
Rebecca Gevalt - Dcode
4:05PM DEF State of the Union
Updates from DEF agoras
DEF projects
Looking forward
Closing Remarks
Michael Madrid - Executive Director, DEF
We have all had an interesting year thus far, but DEF is committed to Pivot & Press in building the culture of innovation in the national security community we all want to see!