Invitation to Participate in Defense Innovation Pitch Day - Pitch, Invest, Partner, Scout, Buy Tech, Win Contracts...
Oct 26, Live and Virtual
Hello Friends!
I am the Chair of the planning committee for a unique defense innovation pitch event on October 26th in Dallas, Texas and virtual. We are still in the early stages of planning, but wanted to reach out to potential participants with a few questions to help us make this really valuable for those who can come in person and everyone who logs in remotely.
The event will provide opportunities for companies to pitch innovative solutions to investors, lenders, partners, and government innovation program leads.
We are working towards building an entire ecosystem in which everyone finds value, so we would love to see a variety of types of technologies represented. We are also working to maximize the value of the event for remote attendees, to allow for virtual pitches, private conversations with investors and partners, and to provide a process for effective teaming.
I hope you can be a part of this event, either in person, or online!
Kind Regards
Graham Plaster