Join us tonight, October 9th, 2023, 6-7pm EST, for a special discussion with Daniel McCoy, former TSA Innovation chief, now BMNT's head of business development..
The dial in information will be sent out to all registrants just prior to the event. These are always free to attend, every week.
A little bit about Dan…
Dan McCoy is the Head of Business Development for BMNT, an innovation consultancy and early-stage technology incubator that helps solve some of the hardest problems facing governments and partners. Prior to joining BMNT, Dan served as the Chief Innovation Officer for the Transportation Security Administration (TSA), where he established the TSA Innovation team, published a first in-government “TSA Innovation Doctrine'' to create lasting guidance on how to think and act to enable broad transformative thinking. To enable ecosystem-wide, democratized innovation and establish organizational ambidexterity, Dan’s team announced four distinct capabilities under the Innovation group to support projects through the Innovation Pipeline. One such group, LIFT, set airport-based, trained innovators which source, curate, and discover solutions based on localized problem statements in partnership with local vendors, partners, and solution providers. Dan’s experience and expertise at TSA was shaped by his prior roles at Deloitte Consulting’s Government and Public Services group. In 2018, Dan and others created Deloitte Catalyst, the firm's newest innovation function. Leading the Catalyst GPS function, Dan worked with pre IPO startups in AI, predictive maintenance, deep-fake detection, and other domains to create MVPs for government missions. Dan has the distinction of having created the first-in-government innovation doctrine at the agency. More about that effort here and here.
SAVE THE DATE: October 25th, Purple Squirrel (in-person) Recruiting Event, more info to follow
p.s. you may have noticed we have added a new subscriber level for the SILICON NATION ( newsletter called “private party” - we have a few special people who are in that group already, and we’d love to have you join. We’ll be planning some professional get-togethers just for this group in the national capital region, and then nation-wide. Join the private party level.